Dr. Patrick Figge

Neerijnen P. van, Tempelaar M. P., Schippers M. C. 2022. Ambidexterity: Size matters! Reflexive climate and organizational TMS’s influence and the contingent effect of size. Journal of Small Business Management, accepted for publication.
Ozer G. T., Anderson E., Figge P. 2021. Organizational learning in the context of multisided digital platforms: A multi-method simulation study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
Mueller E., Koerner L., Figge P., Haeussler C. 2020. The Influence Of Entrepreneurial Teams' Ownership Distribution On Recombinatory Novelty. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (FER).
Bei Y., Lewis K., Figge P., Hollingshead A. B., Alexander K. S., Kim Y. J., Fang C. 2020. Intelligent Machines and Teamwork: Help or Hindrance? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Figge, P. 2020. Opportunity Discovery und Opportunity Creation: Die Entdeckung und Gestaltung unternehmerischer Gelegenheiten im Zeitalter digitaler Technologien. In: Perspektiven des Entrepreneurships, Hoelzle, Katharina; Surrey, Heike; Tiberius, Victor (eds.), Stuttgart, Germany, Schaeffer-Poeschel.
Wimbauer L., Figge P., Haeussler C. 2019. Distant Search, but Local Implementation? Using the Crowd’s Evaluation to Overcome Organizational Limitations in the Selection of Crowdsourced Ideas. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
Figge, P. 2018. Collective Knowledge: How Teams and Larger Social Systems Learn, Remember, and Invent. Wiesbaden: Springer-Gabler, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-22180-5.
Neerijnen, P. van, Tempelaar, M. P., Schippers, M. C., Figge, P. 2012. Performance Through Ambidexterity: the Role of a Firm’s Organizational TMS and Reflexive Climate. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- The Speed of Innovation: Transferring Science into Innovation (with A. Peter, C. Haeussler), Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Conference, London, UK, 2024.
- Promoting Novelty Creation: The Impact of Owner Empowerment (with L. Bregenzer, C. Haeussler, E. Mueller), Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (TIE) des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Frankfurt, Germany, 2023.
- The Interplay of Commercial and Non-Commercial Developers in Open-Source Software Projects – A Study of Crowding-In and Crowding-Out Effects in the Linux Kernel (with S. Apel, T. Bock, F. Fleischmann, C. Haeussler, C. Hechtl), 20th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2023.
- Co-Organizer (with G. Reischauer) of the Symposium“Competition and Governance Strategies of B2B Platforms”, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 2023.
- From Supply Chains to Industrial Platforms: A Conceptual Model of Platform Emergence and Growth (with C. Haeussler, M. Maier, R. Nowak, A. Wiesmueller), 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 2023
- Contributions of Commercial Developers in Open-Source Software - A Study of the Linux Kernel (with S. Apel, F. Fleischmann, C. Haeussler), 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 2023.
- Don’t Overlook What You Were Looking For – A Comparison of Crowd and Organizational Evaluations (with C. Haeussler, L. Wimbauer), 42nd Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, London, UK, 2022.
- Contribution patterns of commercial developers in open source software projects – An empirical study of the Linux Kernel (with S. Apel, T. Bock, F. Fleischmann, C. Haeussler, C. Hechtl), 19th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 2022.
- Road2Openness – Open Science Self-Assessment (with N. Hachmeister, V. Heise, U. Herb, D. Paderta, P. Siegele), 9th International Open Science Conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science, 2022.
- AI Disrupts Collective Cognition in Teams (with A. Hollingshead, B. Yan, Y. Kim, K. Lewis), 5th Annual New Directions in Research on the Psychology of Technology Conference, Santa Barbara, US, 2021.
- Promoting Novelty Creation: The Role of Ownership Empowerment (with. C. Haeussler, L. Koerner, E. Mueller), 4th Research on Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, 2021.
- Co-Creation in the Shadow of the Organization: A Comparison of Internal and External Crowds (with C. Haeussler, F. Hans), 18th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Aachen, 2021.
- Promoting Novelty Creation: The Impact of Ownership Empowerment (with C. Haeussler, L. Koerner, E. Mueller), Owners as Strategist Conference, Milano, Italy, 2021.
- Founder-Inventors in Research and Development Teams: Mitigating Rigidities and Breaking Routines (with C. Haeussler, E. Mueller), Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson Park, MA, USA, 2021.
- The Journey Of Founders: Changes In Founders’ Position When Investors Or Joiners Enter The Stage (with C. Haeussler, L. Koerner, E. Mueller), Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson Park, MA, USA, 2021.
- Internal Crowds in the Shadow of the Organization: A Comparison of Co-Creation Behavior Inside and Outside of an Organization, 7th Annual World Open Innovation Conference (with C. Haeussler, F. Hans, L. Wimbauer), Berkeley, USA, 2020.
- The Influence of Entrepreneurial Teams' Ownership Distribution on Recombinatory Novelty (with C. Haeussler, L. Koerner, E. Mueller), Accepted for presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada, 2020.
- Co-Creation in the Shadow of the Organization: A Comparison of Internal and External Crowds (with C. Haeussler, F. Hans, L. Wimbauer), Accepted for presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada, 2020.
- Intelligent Machines and Teamwork: Help or Hindrance? (with Bei Y, Lewis K, Hollingshead AB, Alexander KS, Kim YJ, Fang C),Accepted for presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada, 2020.
- A system dynamics model of centralized and decentralized learning (with E. Andersen, K. Lewis), Accepted for presentation at the Organization Science Winter Conference, Monterey, USA, 2020 (Conference postponed due to Coronavirus)
- The Influence Of Entrepreneurial Teams' Ownership Distribution On Recombinatory Novelty. Accepted for presentation at the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, USA, 2020 (Conference cancelled due to Coronavirus)
Visiting professor/lecturer at the IÉSEG, Paris, France (Master)
Course: Innovation Management (for Management Consulting)
Lectureship (i.e. „Lehrauftrag“) by the Centre for Careers and Competencies of the University of Passau for the Course “Scientific Writing”
Teaching Award by the Unioversity of Passau
Member of the Research and Scientific Committee of the Danube Cup, a network of eight universities and institutions of higher education along the river Danube
Member of the Board of Examiners for Doctoral Awards (Promotionsausschuss)
Representative for mid-level faculty in the advisory board of the
Transfer Centre of the University of Passau
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journals Management Science, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Strategic Management Review, Production and Operations Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, Industry and Innovation, Science and Public Policy, and Research Policy (as well as for academic conferences such as the Academy of Management Annual meeting)
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journal Junior Management Science, a double-blind peer-review journal that publishes the best student theses under an Open Access license, https://jums.academy/en/
Since 01/2018: University of Passau, Germany
Assistant Professor (i.e. ‘Akademischer Rat’), Chair for Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Dr. Carolin Häussler
01-04/2017and 03-04/2018 and 02-03/2019: University of California, Santa Barbara
Visiting Scholar at the Technology Management Program, College of Engineering
01/2012 - 12/2017: University of Passau, Germany
Research Associate and PhD student, Chair for Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Dr. Carolin Häussler
Title of thesis: Collective Knowledge – How teams and larger social systems learn, remember, and invent.
First advisor: Prof. Dr. Carolin Haeussler
Second advisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Koenig
09/2009 - 09/2010: Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University, Netherlands
Master of Science, Business Administration with focus on Strategic Management
Master Thesis: „Innovation Excellence – A study of company-level Transactive Memory Systems as a constitutive process for organizational Knowledge Reconfiguration Capabilities“
10/2005 - 09/2008: University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Faculty of Business Administration, Germany
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration with focus on Supply Chain Management
Bachelor Thesis:„Das Supply Chain Operations Reference Model“
08/2007 - 12/2007: Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), Sogang University, South Korea
Abroad Term
2008 - 2009 and 2010 - 2011: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Munich, Germany
Focus: Business model and Product Innovation, Change Management, Market entry strategies and Knowledge Management
2006 - 2008: Internships
- Dezan Shira & Associates, Management Consultancy for Founders, China
- Allianz Global Investors, Asset Management, South Korea
- Arvato (Bertelsmann), Transport Management, Harsewinkel/Gütersloh, Germany
- on Braun & Schreiber Private Equity Partners, Venture Capital, Munich, Germany