Teaching Abroad

Internationality is a trademark of the University of Passau. The University recently received the certification of the audit "Internationalisierung der Hochschulen" ("Internationalization of Universities") at the German Rectors' Conference. Teaching and research at the University of Passau benefit from numerous international partnerships and university cooperations. You can find a list of the international partner universities collaborating with the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration here.
Once a year, Prof. Dr. Jan H. Schumann's Chair of Marketing and Innovation and Prof. Dr. Dirk Totzek's Chair of Marketing and Services offer lectures for students at the Corvinus University in Budapest and the Turkish-German University in Istanbul.
Corvinus University Budapest

The Corvinus University in Budapest is a state university focusing on economics, business administration, and related subjects. It is considered one of the best universities in Hungary.
The Chair of Marketing and Innovation is offering the following lecture at the Corvinus University:
- Marketing Research
The course “Marketing Research” is an introduction to market research. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of scientific investigations, which include sample generation, scaling, measurement as well as analyzing surveys.
Turkish-German University of Istanbul

The Turkish-German University of Istanbul is a state university founded by the Republic of Turkey and the Federal Republic of Germany to foster academic cooperation and intercultural dialogue between the two countries.
The Chair of Marketing and Innovation in collaboration with the Chair of Marketing and Services offers the following lecture at the Turkish-German University:
- Product, Brand and Communication Management
The course “Product, Brand and Communication Management” focuses on the conditions and challenges regarding the management of products and brands as well as communication.