Before going abroad

Organization of the study abroad
You have decided to spend a semester at a foreign university, but still need information about the process, financing and language courses or need support with the organization? Please contact the International Office of the University of Passau. There you will get answers to your questions about studying abroad.
In the Download Center (German) of the International Office you will also receive the necessary documents (e.g. the forms for the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement) and information on how to complete the formalities (e.g. the guidelines for filling out the Learning Agreements).
Learning Agreements - Recognition of the chosen courses
Please inform yourself about the possibility of recognition of the courses you have chosen in good time before your stay abroad at the respective chairs. Forms for individual learning agreements as well as an overview of the documents to be submitted can be found on the pages of the respective chair or teaching unit.
Please submit your completed overall Learning Agreement (available in the Download Center of the International Office, see above) to Mrs. Birgit Maier at the Dean's Office of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems for signature by the Dean of Studies.
As of the summer semester 2023, academic stays abroad within the framework of Erasmus+ will be documented exclusively via an Online Learning Agreement (OLA), which will replace the previous Overall Learning Agreement. Only possible individual learning agreements from the chairs have to be submitted as usual as a PDF file at to the Dean's Office of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems.
Further information on how to fill in the OLA can be found in a guideline, which is available in the Download Center of the International Office.
The introduction of the OLA does not change the process of post-residency recognition as described on our International page and on page 6 of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems guide.
If you plan to spend your semester abroad in a non-EU country, you need to fill out a so-called Overall Learning Agreement. This is available at the Download Center of the International Office, as well as a guide to help you fill it out.
Submit the Overall Learning Agreement and, if available, your Individual Learning Agreements from your department chairs to the Dean's Office of the School of Business, Economics and Inforamtion Systems for signature by the Dean of Studies. This can be done either by email as a PDF file (, or in person during Dean's Office hours.