Hendrike Werwigk, M.Sc., M.A.
Hendrike Werwigk

Hendrike Werwigk ist seit November 2017 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship. Sie studierte im Bachelor und Master Kulturwirtschaft (B.A., M.A.) sowie den Master Business Administration (M.Sc.). Neben dem Studium hat sie als studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neuste Geschichte Osteuropas und am Lehrstuhl für Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship der Universität Passau sowie als Werkstudentin bei e-fellows.net tätig. Praktische Erfahrungen sammelte sie zudem u.a. als Assistentin der Geschäftsführung bei der tschechischen IT Firma xITee k.s. sowie bei der Akademie für systemische Führung.
- Organizational Wrongdoing, Misconduct, and Crime
- Gender in Top Management
- Sociology of Science
Werwigk, H., De Oliveira Kuhn, H., Post, C. 2023. Studying Gender Bias in the Upper Echelons: Where Do We Come From and Where Do We Go? Accepted for presentation at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
Werwigk, H., Pichler, R., König A. 2023. From Suspicion to Cover-Up: The Process of Concealing Crime in Organizations. Accepted for presentation at the 14th International Process Symposium (PROS), Place: Chania, Greece.
Werwigk, H., König, A., Deutsch, M., 2022. Organizational cover-up of extreme crime: the largest serial murder in German post-war history. Accepted for presentation at the 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, WU Vienna, Austria.
Werwigk, H., Deutsch, M. 2022. Why Did Nobody Stop the Serial Murder? Organizational Cover-up of Extreme Crime, Accepted for presentation at the EURAM 2022 (European Academy of Management Annual Meeting), Winterthur, Switzerland. (Nominated for the “EURAM 2022 Most Inspirational Paper“)
De Oliveira Kuhn, H., Werwigk, H. 2022. It's all about gender! A historical perspective of gender bias in the upper echelon literature. Accepted for presentation at the 11th Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research, HEC Paris, France.
De Oliveira Kuhn, H., Werwigk, H. 2021. It's all about gender! A historical perspective of gender bias in the upper echelon literature. Accepted for presentation at theSMS 41st Annual Conference, Virtual/Toronto.
Werwigk, H., Deutsch, M.L. 2021. Organizational cover-up of extreme crime: The largest serial murder in German post-war history. Accepted for presentation at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Virtual.
De Oliveira Kuhn, H., Werwigk, H. 2020. Catch-22 situation or jack of all trades? A multi case study of successful female CEO communication with infomediaries. Accepted for presentation at the 11th Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research, HEC Paris, France (conference cancelled).
Sommersemester 2025
- 38556 Bachelor Colloquium in Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- 38561 Managing and Leading Strategic Innovation and Change
- 38607 Strategic Sensitivity and Digitalization
- 38571 Theory and Methods in Strategy, Leadership, and Innovation Research
Wintersemester 2024/25
- 38556 Bachelor Colloquium in Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- 38619 Design Sprint for Digital Innovation
- 38552 Problemlösung und Kommunikation im Management (Bachelorseminar)
- 38571 Theory and Methods in Strategy, Leadership, and Innovation Research