Dr. Dörte Leusmann

Office hours: Monday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (please arrange appointment beforehand)
Dr. Dörte Leusmann has been a research associate at the Chair of Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship since April 2017 and a doctoral candidate since October 2021. She studied International Cultural Studies and Business Studies as well as Business Administration and Economics (B.A., B.Sc.). She furthermore completed a double master degree in International Cultural and Business Studies and Business Administration (M.A., M.Sc.). Alongside her studies, she worked as a student assistant at the Chair of Controlling and Accounting. She also gained practical and international experience through internships at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, the German Embassy in London, UK and SAP SE in Walldorf, Germany. She was also able to expand her international research experience in 2022 with a two-month stay abroad at the Department of Innovation Management & Strategy at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands.
Research Areas:
- Dynamics of interorganisational relationships
- (Organizational) language and text analysis
- Tutorials:
- Bachelor's Tutorial „Organisation“ (SoSe 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
- Bachelor's Tutorial „Technology- and Innovation Management“ (WiSe 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2023/24, 2024/25)
- Seminars:
- Bachelor's Seminar „International Management and Organizational Behavior" (SoSe 2023)
- Bachelor's Seminar „Managing Innovation" (WiSe 2022/23)
- Master's Seminar „The Organisational Future - Co-Creation of New Technologies and the Adaptation of Interorganisational Relationships" (SoSe 2020)
- Bachelor's Seminar „Empirically Investigating Interfirm Collaboration – Formation, Governance and Performance“ (WiSe 2017/18)
- Theses supervision:
- Topics around the field of dynamics in interorganizational relationships
- Empirical and non-empirical theses
Book Chapters:
- Hanisch, M. & Leusmann, D., 2024, F&E-Verträge: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Wündisch, S. & Zirkel, M. (eds.). 4 ed.Wolters Kluwer.
Peer-Reviewed Conferences:
- I’m Impressed: Impression Management Tactics in Alliance Press Releases (with M. Hanisch), accepted for presentation at the 44th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Istanbul, Turkey, 2024.
- Is It Worth Returning to the Negotiation Table? Contract Adaptation's Impact on Alliance Outcome (with M. Schulz, C. Schwens, and C. Haeussler), accepted for presentation at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago (IL), US, 2024.
- Is It Worth Returning to the Negotiation Table? Contract Adaptation's Impact on Alliance Outcome (with M. Schulz and C. Schwens), accepted for presentation at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Toronto, Canada, 2023.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Dyadic and Dynamic Codification of Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with M. Hanisch and C. Haeussler), accepted for presentation at the 23rd EURAM Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2023
- Defining Strategic Collaboration: Antecedents of Explicit Meaning (Re)-Negotiation (with M. Hanisch and C. Haeussler), accepted and presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle (WA), US, 2022.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Negotiating and Renegotiating Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with M. Hanisch and C. Haeussler), accepted and presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2021. (Conference in virtual format due to Coronavirus)
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Negotiating and Renegotiating Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with C. Haeussler), accepted and presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, London, Great Britain, 2020. (Conference in virtual format due to Coronavirus)
Academic Presentations:
- I’m Impressed: Impression Management Tactics in Alliance Press Releases, presented at Research Seminar by and with Prof. Carolin Haeussler, Prof. Patricia Klarner and Prof. Andreas König, 12/2023. Passau, Germany.
- PhD Poster Overview, presented and discussed at VHB ProDok Course "Foundational Theories of Strategic Management Research" by and with Prof. Jeffrey Reuer and Prof. Michael Leiblein, 06/2022. Passau, Germany.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Dyadic Codification and Re-Codification of Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with C. Haeussler and M. Hanisch), presented at the Research Seminar by and with Prof. Carolin Haeussler, Prof. Patricia Klarner and Prof. Andreas König, 06/2022. Vienna, Austria.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Dyadic Codification and Re-Codification of Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with C. Haeussler and M. Hanisch), presented at I&O Seminar, 03/2022. Groningen, Netherlands.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Dyadic and Dynamic Meaning Codification in Interorganizational Relationships (with C. Haeussler and M. Hanisch), presented at Doctoral Seminar "Publizieren in internationalen Journals" by and with Prof. Jan Schumann, 03/2022. Passau, Germany.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Negotiating and Renegotiating Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with C. Haeussler and M. Hanisch), presented at ICEBS Lecture and Paper Development Workshop "How to Use Storytelling in your Academic Writing” by and with Professor Timothy Pollock, 10/2021. Virtual Format.
- A Symphony of Adaptation: Collaborating Partners’ Instruments to Orchestrate Adaptation in Interorganizational Relationships, presented and discussed at Paper Development Workshop"Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A Set Analytic Approach to Studying Configurations" at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 07/2021. Virtual Format.
- PhD Overview, presented and discussed at TIM Doctoral Research Development Workshop (DRDW) at the81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 07/2021. Virtual Format.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Negotiating and Renegotiating Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with C. Haeussler and M. Hanisch), presented at WK ORG Paper Development Workshop, Leuphana Universität, 04/2021. Virtual Format.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Negotiating and Renegotiating Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with C. Haeussler and M. Hanisch), presented at ICEBS Lecture and Paper Development Workshop by and with Prof. Blake Ashforth, 02/2021.Virtual Format.
- When Wor(l)ds Collide: Negotiating and Renegotiating Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships (with C. Haeussler and M. Hanisch), presented at ICEBS Lecture and Paper Development Workshop"A Practical Discussion about Theory Writing and Managing the Review Process” by and with Prof. Jeffrey Lovelace, 12/2020. Virtual Format.
- PhD Overview, discussed at Annual Doctoral Workshop at the40th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, 10/2021. Virtual Format.
- A Change of Contract: Understanding Dynamics of Interoganisational Relationships, presented at gfo-Student-Award ceremony, 10/2020. Virtual Format.
- Helmut-Schmalen-Prize for an outstanding dissertation (October 2024)
- Mobility funding granted by the Women's Advancement of the University of Passau (March and April 2022)
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, conferred by the Managerial and Organizational Cognition (MOC) Division at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2023.
- Nominated for the PhD Paper Prize for the submitted proporsal "Is It Worth Returning to the Negotiation Table? Contract Adaptation's Impact on Alliance Outcome”, at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Toronto, Canada, 2023.
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, conferred by the Managerial and Organizational Cognition (MOC) Division at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2021.
- Fellow of the Online-Doctoral-Program of e-fellows.net, since 02/2021.
- Gfo-Student-Award honouring outstanding performance in the master's thesis "A Change of Contract: Understanding Dynamics of Interorganisational Relationships" (1.0), conferred by gfo - gesellschaft für organisation e.v., 2021.
- Nominated for the PhD Paper Prize for the submitted proporsal "When Wor(l)ds Collide: Negotiating and Renegotiating Meaning in Interorganizational Relationships”, at the 40th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, 2020.
- IHK-Prize honouring outstanding performance in the bachelor's thesis "Incomplete Contracts: Why Alliance Partners Apply Vague ‘Good Faith’ Standards” (1.0), conferred by IHK Niederbayern, 2017.
- Peer Reviewer, 44thStrategic Management Society Conference, 2024.
- Peer Reviewer, 83rd Academy of Management Conference, 2024.
- Peer Reviewer, 23rd European Academy of Management (EURAM), 2023.
- Peer Reviewer, 43rdStrategic Management Society Conference, 2023.
- Peer Reviewer, 82nd Academy of Management Conference, 2023.
- Peer Reviewer, 81st Academy of Management Conference, 2022.
- Peer Reviewer, 17th International Tagung der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2021.
- Peer Reviewer, 80th Academy of Management Conference, 2021.
- Peer Reviewer, 40th Strategic Management Society Conference, 2020.