Prof. Dr. Suleika Bort
In der Forschung arbeitet Suleika Bort an der Schnittstelle von Internationalem Management, Nachhaltigkeit und sozialem Unternehmertum. Im Fokus ihrer Forschung stehen dabei insbesondere global tätige Organisationen und die Frage, wie diese Organisationen sozial und nachhaltig gestaltet und geführt werden können. Weiterhin beschäftigt sich Suleika Bort mit der Entstehung und dem Management von internationalen Kooperationen und Netzwerken, Organisationstheorien und der Entwicklung von neuen Märkten.
Bort, S., & Kieser, A. (2023). Coping with devils and climate change with the help of asceticism? Exploring the role of asceticism as trigger of collective climate action. Environmental Values (forthcoming).
Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J. P., Bort, S., & Isaak, A. (2023). Is exposure to the family firm always good for the next CEO? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects post-succession performance in family firms. Journal of Business Research, 167, 114179.
Istipliler, B., Bort, S., & Woywode, M. (2023). Flowers of adversity: Institutional constraints and innovative SMEs in transition economies. Journal of Business Research, 154, 113306.
Aharonson, B. S., Bort, S., & Woywode, M. (2020). The influence of multinational corporations on international alliance formation behavior of colocated start-ups. Organization Science, 31(3), 770-795.
Degener, P., Maurer, I., & Bort, S. (2018). Alliance portfolio diversity and innovation: The interplay of portfolio coordination capability and proactive partner selection capability. Journal of Management Studies, 55(8), 1386-1422.
Oehme, M., & Bort, S. (2015). SME internationalization modes in the German biotechnology industry: The influence of imitation, network position, and international experience. Journal of International Business Studies, 46(6), 629-655.
Aharonson, B. S., & Bort, S. (2015). Institutional pressure and an organization’s strategic response in Corporate Social Action engagement: The role of ownership and media attention. Strategic Organization, 13(4), 307-339.
Wilhelm, H., & Bort, S. (2013). How managers talk about their consumption of popular management concepts: identity, rules and situations. British Journal of Management, 24(3), 428-444.
Bort, S., & Kieser, A. (2011). Fashion in organization theory: An empirical analysis of the diffusion of theoretical concepts. Organization Studies, 32(5), 655-681.