Dr. Stefan Schweikl

Curriculum Vitae and Research Focus
Stefan Schweikl was a research assistant at the Chair of Business Administration specialising in Accounting and Controlling from February 2017 to April 2021. His teaching focussed on the areas of controlling with standard software, value-based controlling and business decision theory. He was also involved in the German-language degree programme in Business Administration at the Corvinus University of Budapest in the area of cost accounting. Dr Schweikl is a Research Affiliate of the University of Passau.
As part of his cumulative dissertation, Mr Schweikl dealt with the effects of IT investments on company performance. Specifically, Mr Schweikl investigated which complementary factors, such as an adequate strategic orientation or process adjustments, are necessary to increase the value created by IT for companies. He also looked at how the failure of IT systems affects the value of companies and how industrial companies should position themselves within the value chain in order to participate in the business opportunities created by digital services.
In October 2011, Mr Schweikl started his studies in technology and management-oriented business administration (TUM-BWL) at the Technical University of Munich, specialising in Finance & Accounting and Electrical Engineering & Information Technology, which he completed in January 2017 with a Master of Science degree.
Contact: stefan.schweikl@uni-passau.de
Schweikl, S., & Obermaier, R. (2022). Lost in translation: IT business value research and resource complementarity-an integrative framework, shortcomings and future research directions. Management Review Quarterly (in press).
Schweikl, S., Schinnen, M., & Obermaier, R. (2022). When the Machine Stops: The Impact of Information Technology Failure on Firm Value. ECIS 2022 Proceedings, Research Papers, 36.
Obermaier, R., & Schweikl, S. (2022). Digitalisation as a productivity driver? On the significance of the productivity paradox in an ‘Industry 4.0’, in: Roth, S. / Corsten, H. (eds.): Handbuch Digitalisierung, Vahlen Verlag, Munich, pp. 91-112.
Mosch, P., Schweikl, S., & Obermaier, R. (2021). Trapped in the supply chain? Digital servitisation strategies and power relations in the case of an industrial technology supplier. International Journal of Production Economics, 236, 108141.
Obermaier, R., Mosch, P., & Schweikl, S. (2021). Controlling the digital transformation: Planning and monitoring strategy implementation. Controlling, 33(1), 21-28.
Schweikl, S., & Obermaier, R. (2020). Lessons from three decades of IT productivity research: towards a better understanding of IT-induced productivity effects. Management Review Quarterly, 70, 461-507.
Obermaier, R., & Schweikl, S. (2019). On the significance of Solow's paradox: Empirical evidence and its transferability to digitalisation investments in an Industry 4.0. In Obermaier, R. (ed.): Handbuch Industrie 4.0 und Digitale Transformation, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 529-564.