Dr. Philipp Mosch

Curriculum Vitae and Research Focus
Philipp Mosch worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Business Administration with a focus on Accounting and Controlling from February 2017 to December 2021. During his time as a research assistant, he worked at the Centre for Digital Business Transformation (C4DBT) at the University of Passau in cooperation with an international automotive supplier and at the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) in Munich.
As part of his cumulative dissertation, Mr Mosch dealt with digital transformation strategies, in particular with the value effects of digital innovations, the digital transformation of established companies, digital B2B platforms and the strategy development of data-driven start-ups. His studies have been published in several renowned scientific journals (International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), Industrial Marketing Management (IMM)) and have been presented at various international conferences (e.g. European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)).
His teaching focus was on controlling and the organisation of various Bachelor's and Master's seminars on the topic of ‘Digital Business Models’.
Mosch, P., Obermaier, R. (2022): Digital platforms in the industrial sphere: value creation logics and platform types, in: Baumann, S. (ed.): Handbook on Digital Business Ecosystems, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.
Mosch, P., Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J. H., Obermaier, R., Ulaga, W. (2022): Driving or driven by others? A dynamic perspective on how data-driven start-ups strategize across different network roles in digitalised business networks, in: Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 381-402.
Mosch, P., Schweikl, S., Obermaier, R. (2021): Trapped in the supply chain? Digital servitisation strategies and power relations in the case of an industrial technology supplier, in: International Journal of Production Economics, 236, in press.
Obermaier, R., Mosch, P., Schweikl, S. (2021): Controlling the digital transformation: planning and monitoring strategy implementation, in: Controlling - Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 33 (1), 21-28.
Mosch, P., Schweikl, S., Obermaier, R. (2020): Trapped in the Supply Chain: The Digital Servitisation of an Industrial Technology Supplier - Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire?, in: ECIS Research-in-Progress Papers. 32.
Obermaier, R., Mosch, P. (2019): Digital Platforms - Classification, Economic Impact Logic and Use Cases in an Industry 4.0, to appear in: Obermaier, R. (ed.): Handbuch Industrie 4.0 und Digitale Transformation, Springer Gabler Verlag, 2019.