Dear students,
Please carefully read the following information if you intend to apply for the course Corporate Sustainability and CSR offered in the summer term 2020.
Corporate Sustainability and CSR (Stud.IP 34300)
Prof. Dr. Agnes Zsoka, Dr. Katalin Asvanyi (both from Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary) and Dr. Elisabeth Müller will hold the block course Corporate Sustainability and CSR presumably from Juli 01 till July 07, 2020.
To apply for the course, you need to send a current Hisqis-abstract to Dr. Elisabeth Müller ( during the application period (14 - 26 April 2020).
Please indicate explicitly in your e-mail whether you want this course to be accredited among the basics or extension modules ("Grundlagen" or "Vertiefung") in the field of „International Management and Marketing.“
A maximum of 30 students may participate in the course. Participants will be selected based on the grade point average and the earned ECTS credits.
The course is open to M-BA, M-ICBS, and M-GKU students. The course is offered in English.
In case you have further questions, please contact the lecturer ( or