Universität Passau
Aktuelle Publikationen
Forscherinnen und Forscher der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät veröffentlichen regelmäßig in führenden nationalen und internationalen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften und Büchern. Im Folgenden finden Sie ausgewählte, aktuelle Publikationserfolge. Für ältere Publikationen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die betreffenden Lehrstühle bzw. Lehreinheiten.
Publikationen in Journals der Kategorien A+ und A (2022/23)
- Ahammer, A., Bauernschuster, S. S., Halla , M., Lachenmaier , H. (2022). Minimum legal drinking age and the social gradient in binge drinking. Journal of Health Economics, 81, 102571.
- Ando , M. A., Gerster , A., Peters, J. J.(2022). Information campaigns for residential energy conservation. European Economic Review, 144, 104094.
- Ankel Peters, J., Fiala , N., Neubauer, F. (2023). Do economists replicate?. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , 2012, 219232.
- Batten, J. A., Boubaker , S., Kinateder , H., Choudhury, T., Wagner, N. N.(2023): Volatility Impacts on Global Banks: Insights from the GFC, COVID 19, and the Russia Ukraine War, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 215: 325 350. (IF = 2,20)
- Bauernschuster, S., Rekers , R. (2022). Speed limit enforcement and road safety. Journal of Public Economics, 210 , 104663
- Calmels, D. (2022). An iterated local search procedure for the job sequencing and tool switching problem with non identical parallel machines. European Journal of Operational Research, 297(1) 1), 66 85
- Ellinger, E., Gregory, R. W., Mini, T. T., Widjaja , T., Henfridsson, O. (2023). Skin in the game: The transformational potential of decentralized autonomous organizations. In University of Minnesota (Ed.), MIS Quarterly
- Flagmeier, V. (2022). The information content of deferred taxes under IFRS. European Accounting Review 31(2), 495 518.
- Fritz, M. (2022). Temperature and non communicable diseases: Evidence from Indonesia's primary health care system. Health Economics, 31(11) 11), 2445 2464.
- Garbas, J., Schubach , S., Mende, M., Scott, M. L., Schumann, J. H. (2022). You want to sell this to me twice!? How perceptions of betrayal may undermine internal product upgrades. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51 , 286 309.
- Gerlach, J. P. P., Cenfetelli , R. T. (2022). Overcoming the single IS paradigm in individual level IS research. Information Systems Research,
33(2) 2), 476 488
- Geschwind S., Roessel F. (2023). Taxation under direct democracy. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200 , 536 554
- Gnewuch, U., Morana , S., Hinz , O., Kellner, R. R., Mädche , A. ( More than a bot? The impact of disclosing human involvement on customer interactions with hybrid service agents. Information Systems Research
- Goerigk, M., Hartisch , M. (2023). Combinatorial optimization problems with balanced regret. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 328 , 40 59.
- Goerigk, M., Hartisch , M. (2023). A Framework for inherently interpretable optimization models. European Journal of Operational Research, 310 (3) 3), 1312 1324.
- Goerigk, M., Khosravi , M. (2023). Optimal scenario reduction for one and two stage robust optimization with discrete uncertainty in the objective. European Journal of Operational Research, 310(2) 2), 529 551.
- Goerigk, M., Lendl, S., Wulf, L. (2022). Recoverable robust representatives selection problems with discrete budgeted uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 303(2) 2), 567 580.
- Goerigk, M., Lendl, S., Wulf, L. (2022). Two Stage robust optimization problems with two stage uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 302(1) 1), 62 78.
- Graf Vlachy, L., König, A., Banfield, R., Rauch, M., Boutalikakis , A. (2022). The innovator’s media dilemma: How journalists cover incumbents’ adoption of discontinuous technologies. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 40 , 3 21.
- Grimm, M., Hartwig, R. (2022). All eyes on the price: An assessment of the willingness to pay for eyeglasses in rural Burkina Faso . Health Economics, 31(7) 7), 1347 1367.
- Haeussler, C., Vieth , S. (2022). A question worth a million: The expert, the crowd, or myself? An investigation of problem solving. Research Policy, 51(3) 3),
- Hanisch, M., Reuer , J., Haeussler , C., Devarakonda , S. V. (2023). Hybrid administrative interfaces: Authority delegation and reversion in strategic alliances. Organization Science, 81(4) 4), 1347
- Herkenhoff , P., Krautheim, S. (2022). The international organization of production in the regulatory void. Journal of International Economics, 137 , 103572
- Hosseini, A.,Otto, A., Pesch , E. (202x). Scheduling in manufacturing with transportation: Classification and solution techniques. European Journal of Operational Research
- Kellner, R., Nagl , M., Rösch , D. (2022). Opening the black box Quantile neural networks for loss given default prediction. Journal of Banking & Finance, 134 , 106 334.
- Kowalzick, M., Ahrens, J. P., Lauterbach, J.G., Tang, Y. (202x). Overconfident CEOs in dire straits: How incumbent and successor CEOs’ overconfidence affects firm turnaround performance. Journal of Management Studies
- Meinen, P., Parrotta , P., Sala, D., Yalcin , E. (2022). Managers as knowledge carriers Explaining firms’ internationalization success with manager mobility. Journal of International Economics, 138 , 103633
- Orthaus, S., Pelger, C., Kuhner , C. (2023). The eternal debate over conservatism and prudence A historical perspective on the conceptualization of asymmetry in financial accounting theory. Contemporary Accounting Research, 40(1) 1), 41 88.
- Sturm, T., Pumplun , L., Gerlach, J., Kowalczyk, M., Buxmann , P. (2023). Machine Learning advice in managerial decision making: The overlooked role of decision makers’ advice utilization. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 32(4) 4),