Prof. Dr. Peters offers the following seminar in the forthcoming winter term 2019/20:
Development Economics:
Rural markets in developing countries - Supply of and demand for technologies, services, and ideas
You can find the seminar in StudIP under the number 32270 (Bachelor) or 32500 (Master).
Registration is possible from 1 - 8 July 2019. After registering in StudIP, please send a short CV and a current HISQIS excerpt to
We will let you know as soon as possible if we can offer you a place in the seminar.
Please note that the seminar will be held in English.
Bachelor students must have basic knowledge of econometrics (successful completion of at least one of the following courses): econometrics, statistics, regression analysis) and have successfully completed the Growth and Development course before attending this seminar.
For Master students, basic knowledge in econometrics, evaluation methodologies (e.g. RCTs vs. Difference in Differences) and Development Economics are prerequisites for participation in this course.
Seminar Description (Bachelor)
Seminar Description (Master)