Burkina Faso (FIdES): In February a small team from the chair in collaboration with the IRSS in Ouagadougou implemented the fourth round of a household survey in the community of Ziniaré to assess the impact of a randomized trial period of health insurance on health insurance uptake, health care utilization and health status. (More information about this project)
Malawi: In February/March another team also in collaboration with local enumerators collected a second round of a household data to assess the impact of public works implemented under an innovative integrated catchment management approach on household’s well-being, income, employment, agricultural productivity, community engagement and local productive assets among others. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. (More information about this project)
Indonesia/Java (IndORGANIC): Another team also with support of local enumerators is currently implementing the second round of a rural household survey to assess the impact of a training in organic farming which has been randomized at the farmer group level. Special treatment arms received beyond the training either a video intervention that is supposed to raise awareness for potential health and environmental consequences of conventional farming or an intervention that strengthens mutual support within farmer groups with respect to a conversion towards organic farming. Outcomes of interest are, among others, knowledge about organic farming practices, attitudes towards organic farming and uptake of organic farming. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (More information about this project)