Dorothee Henke

(HK 30) Room 237
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 30
94032 Passau
Tel.: +49 851-509-5367
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Computational Complexity Theory
- Bilevel Optimization
- Robust Optimization
- Hub Location Problems
- Approximation Algorithms
Published Papers
- N. Jost, D. Henke, I. Hedtke, O. Bredtmann, J. Weise, C. Buchheim, and U. Clausen: Partitioned vs. Integrated Planning of Hinterland Networks for LCL TransportationAdvances in Resilient and Sustainable Transport – Proceedings of the 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT 2023), 257–273 (2023) [arXiv]
- M. Ahrens, D. Henke, S. Rabenstein, and J. Vygen: Faster goal-oriented shortest path search for bulk and incremental detailed routingMathematical Programming (2023) [arXiv] Extended abstract: Faster goal-oriented shortest path search for bulk and incremental detailed routing Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2022, 15–28
- C. Buchheim, D. Henke, and F. Hommelsheim: On the complexity of the bilevel minimum spanning tree problemNetworks 80(3), 338–355 (2022) [arXiv]
- C. Buchheim, D. Henke, and J. Irmai: The stochastic bilevel continuous knapsack problem with uncertain follower's objectiveJournal of Optimization Theory and Applications 194(2), 521–542 (2022) [arXiv]
- C. Buchheim and D. Henke: The robust bilevel continuous knapsack problem with uncertain coefficients in the follower's objectiveJournal of Global Optimization 83(4), 803–824 (2022) [arXiv] Extended abstract: The robust bilevel continuous knapsack problem Proceedings of the 17th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW 2019), 17–20 (2019)
- C. Buchheim, D. Henke, and F. Hommelsheim: On the complexity of robust bilevel optimization with uncertain follower's objectiveOperations Research Letters 49(5), 703–707 (2021) [arXiv]
Summer Semester:
- Fundamentals of Management Science II (Exercise)
- Bachelorseminar in Business Analytics
- Masterseminar in Business Analytics
- Doctoral Seminar in Optimization
Winter Semester:
- Network Optimization (Exercise)
- Heuristics and Approximations Methods (Exersice)
- Doctoral Seminar in Optimization
- since 09/23
Research Assistant, University of Passau - 11/18 - 09/23
PhD Student/ Research Assistant, Technical University of Dortmund - 10/16 - 10/18
M. Sc. in Mathematics, University of Bonn - 10/13 - 09/16
B. Sc. in Mathematics, University of Bonn