Dr. Sidiki Soubeiga
M. Grimm, S. Soubeiga and M. Weber (2024), Supporting small firms in a fragile context: Comparing matching and cash grants in Burkina Faso, Forthcoming in Journal of DevelopmentEconomics.
N. Büttner, M. Grimm and S. Soubeiga (2021), Political instability and households’ investment behavior: Evidence from Burkina Faso. Journal of Comparative Economics, 50 (2), 350-368. 10.1016/j.jce.2021.11.003
M. Grimm, S. Soubeiga and M. Weber (2021), Short-Term Impacts of Targeted Cash Grants and Business Development Services: Experimental Evidence from Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso. IZA DP No. 14892, Bonn.
Soubeiga, Sidiki (2014). Drivers of Innovation in the Industry and Services Sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2550186.
Soubeiga, Sidiki; Strauss, Jeremy (2013). "Financial Sector Policy Note: Financing Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Burkina Faso," World Bank Other Operational Studies No. 18696, The World Bank. Washington DC.
Soubeiga, Sidiki (2011). Macro-Corruption and Quality of Infrastructure and Social Programs (June 30, 2011). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2346754.
(The Paper was presented at the “Expert’s Group Meeting on Inclusive Growth in Africa” organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Korean Development Institute (KDI), and the Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) from May 6-7, 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.)
Soubeiga, Sidiki (2010). “Determinants of Private Investments in Burkina Faso” (MSc’s dissertation), University of Ouaga2 and NPTCI.
"Gouvernance d’entreprise, innovation et productivité : défis et perspectives" (Rapport thématique pour le PNUD, Juillet 2015).
"Problématique du financement des PME/PMI au Burkina Faso : enjeux, défis et perspectives" (Rapport Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Burkina et ICDE, Octobre 2014), Report presented in presence of the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso during the annual meeting of the whole Government of Burkina Faso with the private sector held in June 2015.
“Country Partnership Strategy for Burkina Faso for the period 2013-2016: Implementation Progress Report for the fiscal year 2013”, (World Bank, 2014).
“Revue Diagnostique des Dépenses Publiques de Bases dans le Secteur Agricole (2004-2012)”, (Banque mondiale, 2013).
“Gender Portfolio Assessment”, (World Bank, 2013).
Beiträge zu Veröffentlichungen
Open Data Institute (2016). “Case Study: Burkina Faso’s Open Elections”.
World Bank Group (2016). “Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2016: Comparing Regulatory Good Practices”, Washington D.C.
World Bank Group (2013). "Burkina Faso - Strengthening national comprehensive agricultural public expenditure in Sub-Saharan Africa : Burkina Faso - Revue diagnostique des depenses publiques de base dans le secteur agricole (2004-2012) (Français)".